Root Chakra
The Root Chakra is the first of the seven main chakras. In Sanskrit, it is called Muladhara, which means base. It is associated with Family, Survival, Instinct, and Balance.
An unbalanced Root Chakra can manifest in many different ways. Here are some signs of an unbalanced or blocked Root Chakra:
Emotional Signs:
Restless, anxiety, low self-esteem, poor focus, negative outlook
Physical Signs:
Sluggishness, inflammation, lower back pain, bladder and/or colon conditions
Relative to Relationships (romantic, familial, friendship, etc.)
Distrust &/or selfishness
Now you may be wondering how to balance or clear your Root Chakra, don’t worry… I’ve got you!
Activities to Balance/Clear your Root Chakra:
Hiking, Gardening, Pilates, Outdoor Walk
Foods to Balance/Clear your Root Chakra:
Tomatoes, strawberries, raspberries, cherries, red apples, pomegranates, and beets.
You can also work with the following crystals by placing one or two on your Root Chakra while you meditate, keeping them in your pocket/bra or even under your pillow when you sleep,
The recommended crystals to use for Root Chakra balancing are:
Garnet, Hematite, Black Obsidian, Red Jasper, Bloodstone
Affirmations & Journaling are recommended for all chakras. Below, you will find an affirmation and journal prompt to help you get started on this healing journey:
Root Chakra Affirmation:
With every breath, I release all anxiety and fear. I am grounded in my existence.
Root Chakra Journal Prompt:
What does it mean to me to be grounded? How can I cultivate the feeling of being grounded in my life?
Recommended Products:
Root Chakra Roller Oil
Breakthrough Candle
We will continue with the Sacral Chakra next week!