Identifying Chakra Imbalances
We constantly hear about balancing, opening, and aligning our chakras. But, how does one know their chakras are imbalanced? Let’s identify how imbalances show up both emotionally and physically.
Below you will find how imbalances show up for each of your chakras.
Root Chakra: Muladhara - meaning base or support
When imbalanced -
Feeling: restless, anxiety, low self-esteem, poor focus, negative outlook
Physical: sluggishness, inflammation, lower back pain, bladder and colon conditions
Sacral Chakra: Svadhishana - meaning sweetness
When imbalanced -
Feeling: insecurity, detachment, poor boundaries, jealousy, depression
Physical: anemia, fatigue, constipation, abnormal menstruation, infertility, urinary and kidney problems
Solar Plexus Chakra: Manipura - meaning shining gem
When imbalanced -
Feeling: low self-esteem, aggression, arrogance, inadequacy, perfectionism
Physical: ulcers, acid reflux, diabetes, weight gain, high blood pressure
Heart Chakra: Anahata - meaning unhurt
When imbalanced -
Feeling: fear, hatred, hurt, trust issues, grudges
Physical: asthma, heart disease, upper back pain, autoimmune deficiency
Throat Chakra: Vishuddha - meaning pure
When imbalanced -
Feeling: negative self-talk, unable to express feelings, hesitation in speaking up
Physical: sore throat, ear infection, thyroid problems, gum disease
Third Eye Chakra: Ajna- meaning beyond wisdom
When imbalanced -
Feeling: paranoia, unable to focus, irrational, gullible, indecisiveness
Physical: poor vision, vertigo, headaches, seizures, memory loss, insomnia, hallucinations
Crown Chakra: Sahasrara- meaning a thousand petals
When imbalanced -
Feeling: superiority, apathy, greed, materialism, lack of empathy
Physical: amnesia, schizophrenia, headaches, body aches, nerve pain, skin conditions
Over the next several weeks, I will be deep-diving into each chakra. I will discuss activities you can do and foods you can eat to balance your chakras. I’ll share the best crystals to work with, affirmations, affirmations, rituals, and of course the products I recommend.
What chakra are you most excited to learn about?